Thursday, January 7, 2010


I'm sure you will recognize this feeling.  You know, when you are sitting in your living room, vegged out on the couch watching a movie just so you have a reason to ignore the dishes in the sink, when something catches your eye.
And there it is.  A bug.  Crawling ever so slowly on the ceiling.  At first it looks like a small very lazy spider (which is not very encouraging, but at least the ceiling is 15 feet up there, so there's little to worry about.)  Second glance is even better because you think it could actually be a fly, which is nothing at all really! 

But alas, it's not as lazy as what you once had thought, and as you watch it crawl across the ceiling with more gusto, dread sets in.  You become concerned for yourself for no good reason.  Because really, who ever died of a domestic bug bite in upstate New York anyway?

Finally, you can't take it anymore, so you go to turn on the overhead lights and grab your glasses.  This is when you are mortified to find that it is not a fly as once hoped.  It is not even the Spider of Doom.  Nope.  This is the, bring sweat to your brow, cousin of the centipede, and it is currently crawling directly above your head!!

Ok. No big deal.  You're an adult.  An adult with wonderfully high ceilings so thats even better!  Watch the movie. 
No good.  Every minute or so your eye wanders back for a quick check on the coordinates of Pete the Pede. 
Then comes the moment where you can no longer see him.  You have absolutely no idea if he is crawling along the beam, or the pipe across your ceiling.  What you REALLY hope is that he didn't just DROP into your lap.  Or worse, your HAIR!. OK, so now every minute you glance at the ceiling, at the floor, at yourself, at the chair next to you. And you realize that the only thing less comforting than knowing you have a nasty bug on your ceiling, is knowing that you once had a nasty bug on your ceiling.

MIA bugs are SO much worse.

1 comment:

  1. This is how I feel about bees and wasps. Which is why i normally get up right away and shout this type of warning. "YOU HAVE TO GET OUT OR DIE"
    Thanks for you sharing!
    ~ Justin
